Literary, Historical and Biographical Records from the Late Period (Egyptian Texts series. Vol. XX). 2023. 500 p. / Литературные и историко-биографические надписи позднего периода

Новосибирск: Панов М.В.

The current volume includes an up-to-date discussion and Russian translations of selected ancient Egyptian records dated to the Ramesside period and few later centuries. The study offers new noteworthy interpretations of the well-known texts. Transliteration and brief commentaries are provided, a number of remarkable texts are translated into Russian for the first time. Chapter 1 “Documents from Dyn. 19” includes twenty well-known records glorifying the deeds of Ramesses II and Merenptah, and a number of private monuments. They are: Invocation to the Nile (West Silsila), stela of Era of 400 Years, The Quban stela, The Battle of Kadesh (from temples), The Treaty with the Hittites, The First Hittite Marriage (main record). A group of private inscriptions includes the stelae of the viceroy in Kush Setau (Caire JE 41395+41397+41398), the sculptor Nebre (ÄM 20377), two statues of the high priest Bakenkhonsu (CGC 42155, München Gl.WAF 38) etc. Chapter 2 “Documents from Dyn. 20” consists of fifteen records. Setnakhte’s stela from Elephantine, followed by several legal documents concerning adultery case (papyrus IFAO 27) and making a will (papyri Ash. 1945.95, DeM a, b, Ash. 1945.97; Torino 2021+Geneva D 409), inscriptions from Wadi Hammamat (WH 12) and Abydos (stela Caire JE 48831), and few Ramesside letters (papyri BM 10950, Valençay I, Valençay II). Among the judicial papyri there are records dealing with a harem conspiracy against Ramesses III (papyrus Torino 1875), the trial concerning the portable chests (papyrus BM 10403), and thefts from the temple at Medinet Habu (papyrus BM 10383). Chapter 3 “Literary Compositions” comprises twenty five poetic works, late Egyptian stories, literary compositions. Such as, The Harper’s Songs (TT 106, papyrus Harris 500, TT 359), the collection of Love Songs from papyri Harris 500 and Ch.Beatty I, The Capture of Joppa, The Tale of the Doomed Prince (papyrus Harris 500); The Satirical Letter of Papyrus Anastasi I, The Instruction of Amunnakhte (ostracon BM 41541), The Lament of Menna (ostraca OIM 12074+IFAO 2188), The Senet-game (papyrus Caire JE 58037, vs), The Encomium of Ramesses V (papyrus Ch.Beatty I), a scribal exercise “A Pharaoh’s Biography” (ostracon IFAO 1610), The Dream Book (papyrus Ch.Beatty III), The Decree of Amun (papyrus CGC 58033), The Onomasticon (papyrus Pushkin ГМИИ I.1.b.128, UC writing-board), A Woe Letter of Wermai (papyrus Pushkin I.1.b.127), The Report of Wenamun (papyrus Pushkin I.1.b.120), 15 Gateways of the Domain of Osiris in the Field of Reeds (BD 146), The Inscription of the Nubian royal from the Semna temple, The Instruction of Amunemipet (papyrus BM 10474, rt), The Tale of Mery-Re (papyrus Vandier), two stelae from Dafna and Ismailia about Apries, the inscription from the amulet of Nesmin (BM 20775), Descriptions of the snakes, the effects of their bites, and the treatments for the snakebite victims from the papyrus Brooklyn 47.218.48+47.218.85. The Supplement provides the photo of inscription WH 12, the hieroglyphic transcription of the graffito in Sakkara M.2.3.P.19.3, the hieroglyphic transcription of the unpublished ostracon Louvre E 32922 (with parallel lines to papyrus Anastasi I, 2,6–3,1), the hieroglyphic transcription of papyrus Caire JE 58037, vs (“Senet”), the hieroglyphic transcription of papyrus BM 10554.83–84 with Late-Egyptian version of the chapter 146 BD, the photos of two stelae found in Dafna and Ismailia and the copies of the inscriptions.