Literary, Historical, and Biographical Records from the Classical Age (Egyptian Texts series. Vol. XIX). 2023. 403 p. / Литературные и историко-биографические надписи классического периода

Новосибирск: Панов М.В.

The current volume includes an up-to-date discussion and Russian translations of selected ancient Egyptian records dated to a vast period from the Old Kingdom to the Second Intermediate period. The study offers a number of new noteworthy interpretations of the well-known texts. Transliteration and brief commentaries are provided. Chapter 1 “Documents from Dyn. 4–6” includes twenty inscriptions from the mastabas in Sakkara, Giza, Meir, Aswan, Abydos. Chapter 2 “Literary Compositions” includes twenty Middle Egyptian fabuluos and didactic compositions (e.g. “The Tales of the Westcar Papyrus”, “The Instuction of Dedefhor”, “The Story of the General Sasenet”, “The Teaching (of unknown author) addressed to Kagemni”, “The Maxims of Ptahhotep”, “The Shipwrecked Sailor”, “The Dialogue of the Man and His Ba”, “The Tale of the Herdsman”, “The Story of Sanehet” etc.). A newly-made translation of the well-known and much discussed texts are based on the authoritative editions and latter date discourses. A number of above mentioned literary works are translated into Russian for the first time. Chapter 3 “Documents from Dyn. 11–13” includes a group biographical texts of the nobles from Gebelein, Theban region, Wadi Hammamat, and Abydos.Royal texts are represented by the Boundary stelae of Senusert III from Semna. Publications includes the photos or/and hieroglyphic transcriptions of papyri BnF 183 (“The Teaching addressed to Kagemni”), CGT 54015 (“The Story of Sanehet”), and leather roll ÄM P 3029 (“The Dialogue of Senusert I” and two administrative documents), stela MMA 65.107 (“The Biography of Djemi”). Supplement includes two notes to A.H. Gardiner’s grammar discuss the use of the non-enclitic particle smwn with a pronoun and construction nn sDm=f expressing the past events.